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#1 Vein Surgeon on Long Island Is Now at

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Serving Nassau & Suffolk County

Vein Doctor on Long Island

At Island Vein Specialists, we feel as though your health and sense of beauty are most important. From the moment you enter his state-of-the-art and inviting practice, Dr. John Gallagher and his staff will give you the personalized attention you deserve. Our spider vein specialist has over 30 years of experience with varicose veins and being a vein surgeon. He is a Board Certified General and Vascular Vein Surgeon with offices located in Roslyn Heights & West Islip. Whether you’re looking to address spider veins or varicose veins, we provide each of our patients with personalized vein care & various vein surgery procedures. For more information, please call our office at 516-524-1368 to set a vein care appointment today.

woman rubbing legs

Our Vein Treatment Services

Our Long Island Vein Surgeon provides the following spider and varicose treatment options

man tying shoes

Voted #1 Vein Clinic on Long Island

When it comes to delivering the best available varicose treatment, personalized attention and spider veins treatment plans are only the beginning. Dr. John Gallagher strives to keep up with the most advanced technologies and varicose treatments—including developing them himself. Dr. Gallagher has developed a cutting edge procedure for spider vein removal that can only be found at our spider vein center. He is the first vein surgeon to utilize this revolutionary spider veins technique using acupuncture needles in the United States.

Schedule Your Appointment Today – Most Insurance Plans Accepted

Island Vein Specialists offers a variety of financing options, including 100% financing available for all cosmetic procedures through Care Credit. Many forms of insurance are also accepted, in order to provide you with options for remedying any spider veins or varicose veins.

What Sets Us Apart?

Board Certified
Personalized Attention
Over 30 Years of Experience
General and Vascular Surgeon
Revolutionary Technique Using Acupuncture Needles

What Our Patients Say About Us

Island Vein Specialists

Roslyn Heights

175 I.U. Willets Road, Suite 202
Roslyn Heights, NY 11507

West Islip

510 Montauk Highway
West Islip, NY 11795


Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Roslyn Heights

175 I U Willets Rd suite 202, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577, USA

West Islip

510 Montauk Hwy, West Islip, NY 11795, USA

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